



因此今次信貸支援除了容許中小企可以商業透支及營運開支外,亦是支援作LC 擔保。






不過話分兩頭,如果按匯豐琴日的標準,又話要按商業條款定息率,又話審批條件會一如過往.....咁四十億呢個限額,其實有咩意思? 抑或當廣告費?





It is good to hear that the Government's initiatives to expand its support plan for SME up to HKD100 bio. But we have to be careful to ensure the funds are properly used as the plan involved many stake holders-Government, Banks, SME, Medium Corporation, Correspondent Banks, Factoring, Exporters,Importers, Domestic and foreign Export and Import Insurance Corporations that are so somplicated that required closed monitoring. I will not be surprised to see some stake holders might make use of this generosity to benefit themselves rather then simply for their genuine business, not to mention to help those SME employees and and those who are in real difficulties in running their business. I wonder how sophisticated is the Government that can monitor and control the usage of the funds. SC
I think our government wouldn't monitor the usage of SME loans in detail. They will look at the utilization of total credit, how much was lent to each type of business, general loan purposes, average gearing ratio, average bad debt ratio, etc. However, they will not decide who will get the loans. The responsibility of filtering borrowers will be passed to lending banks. Government guarantees only 70% of loan amount. Banks have their own reasons to keep their 30% portion safe. Hopefully banks will do their jobs so that credit condition could be ease while loans would not be lent recklessly. I cannot agree with some legislative member’s suggestion to guarantee 100% loan amount. It will leads to moral risk. For banks could boost up their sales without considering credit risk. Borrowers could get free money from reckless lender. Insurer could underwrite policies with zero risk. Even worse, buyer and seller could “cooperate” to obtain free loans. Tax payer’s money should not be spent in this way. The guarantee portion must not be higher than 70%.
That is what I said. The 70% guaranteed by Government can give rise to advantages of the extra interest spreads or the hidden benefit that can be earned by banks or other stake holders from these transactions only by assuming same level of risks. So, to safeguard the tax payer's money, extra layer of monitoring of Banks needs to be randomly checked.-SC



