


咪玩啦,請o左Paul Chan,又請龔sir?!係鏡頭面前到打交就唔好啦…
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I can't stand Paul Chan
Mr. Chan, you promised to set up a union for accounting professionals during the election! Where is the union now?
Hope accounting professional could be in harmony. Let's put all the election arguments behind us and look forward to the future. I can stand and sit. Of course not mind to eat.
It's just a REMINDER to Mr. Chan for what he himself had promised. It's natural for member of accounting professional to voice out our request and to supervise our elected respresentative to see if he can fulfill what he had promised in the election! If you think asking a "elected member" to face what he had promised is an arguement, that's your logic!
Of course you can stand, sit, eat and even sleep with Mr. Chan!
Mr. Chan is always at his mind of what to do and what to do next or even not to do. Of couse,when we cast our vote on someone, we want him end of the day to keep his promises but it is just at his beginning of his term, do you think you are too early to make a reckless judgement. I have no connection whatsoever with Paul but I do form my opinions based on rational,logical and unbias basis rather than wearing shades to block my views to make the judgements. I can stand, sit and eat but only those who wants to sleep with him could think of the words" sleep with Mr. Chan". Please let me know who you are so that next time, when you see him, I will tell him of your desire. Haha
It's all began with a question of asking where is the union that Mr. Chan had promised during the election. If it's a "reckless judgement" to you, so let it be cause we are speaking two languages.
I also have no connection whatsoever with Mr. Chan. Unlike you, I am not sure whether "Mr. Chan is always at his mind of what to do and what to do next or even not to do" So, it's natural to voice out my query.
If you can tell him something in person, please tell him to do his job as a representative of accounting professional for he is carrying expections of lots of people.
Be patient. If you watch a movie, better sit to the end before jump into conclusion. If not, it is just like a reaction of a child not given a candy and cry. The term of the legislation is still at the very early stage... take your time.



