










咁如果真係透過銀行同證券行持有中移動,咁咪要比股息稅? 有無辦法唔使比?







內地稅局比香港更明察秋毫,不畏權貴,尤其是響 transfer pricing 這個避稅大題目上,有時執法及尺度比香港既更嚴,響內地開過廠,或沾手過中港貿易的一定吃過佢地不少苦頭。

內地稅制自 08 年已採用美國 tax resident 這概念,一旦跳入 tax resident 這無間地獄,你 / 你的法人之全球收入,除非兩地已互簽稅務協議,會被徵稅。內地稅制之複雜程度及執法者的嚴謹已與美國趨同,不得不察。
With regard to the Withholding Enterprise Tax for China Mobile (00941), I have several opinions.

1. Firstly, l would like to declare that I am a shareholder of China Mobile (00941). I am retired and dividend receipts are my major source of income for my living.

2. Not clear - It is very confusing that Withholding Enterprise Tax would apply to companies incorporated in Hong Kong or so called 'Red Chips'. As far as I understand before (mainly from the newspaper), the Withholding Enterprise Tax should only apply to H-shares which are corporated in PRC. But now if it is applicable to Red Chips, so what are the criterias of companies that need to comply with this law? All Red Chips and what is the definition of Red Chip? All companies with business in China? All companies with main source of income from China and what is the definition of 'main source'? How can a small investor like me can clearly know the company that I invested will need to hold dividend tax for enterprise or not?

If Withholding Enterprise Tax can apply to China Mobile, I think it should be similarly applied to other major Red Chip company such as CNOOC (00883) which ex-Dividend date is 18May2009. But until now, I cannot find any CNOOC company announcement from HKEX. If CNOOC needs to comply with this law, would CNOOC defer the ex-Dividend date as China Mobile? How about other Red Chip companies such as China Everbright (00165) which has already passed the ex-Dividend date? Will the investor receive the dividend money as they expected or 10% less? What about other companies such as GZI REIT (00405) which are non-Red Chips but their major income comes from PRC? There are lots of question pending clarification.

3. No help from Hong Kong related parties - When I first knew this Withholding Enterprise Tax for H-Shares from newspaper last year, I saw comments from newspaper saying that this law is only aiming to hold the dividend tax for companies, not individuals. But because most of small investors placed their stock under Bank accounts or Securities firm which are nominee accounts, and there is no way to tell shares under nominee accounts are belong to enterprises or individuals, so the easy way is to treat all shares under nominee account as Enterprise and dividend tax would be held even the actual shareholder is individual person. If this is the case, I saw no one from Hong Kong related parties (eg. HKEX, CCASS) try to help small individual Hong Kong investors by offering a solution to enhance the existing system to differentiate the corporate shareholder from individual shareholders under the nominee account. This may not be easy and may need co-operation from Banks and Securities firms. But this should be done and this is the Right Way to cater this problem in the long run.

4. Not environmental friendly and step backward - Both TV and newspaper told people that if individual investor want to exempt from the tax, individual investors should withdraw shares from Bank accounts / Securities firm and register the shares under self name. I think this should only be a temporary solution. As our society is becoming more and more electronic and paperless, I think the action of withdrawing PHYSICAL shares from nominee account and registering them under self name is not only wasting lot of manpowers, but also totally not environmental friendly and a major step backward from the idea of paperless trading. How can we claim ourself as a modern Financial Centre if investors are encouraged to hold physical shares?

5. Passive Way of Communication for Company Announcement - From the issue of of 00941, I find that the Company announcement from HKEX web site is a passive way of communication with the investors. Imagine that if 00941 did not suspend trading on 13-May-2009, I think most of the people (including myself) will not notice the Withholding Enterprise Tax announcement until somebody found this out and spread the news around. But this may already too late to take any action. I suggest there should be a news feed (or RSS feed) feature for each stock in HKEX web page and investor can register the news feed for any stock freely. Whenever there is new announcement from the company, the announcement can be 'pushed' to the interested party for their review.
I agree with you, expecially point 4.



