

1. 豪宅與中小型住宅屬兩個市場,內地人購買豪宅,就如收藏品一樣,是買心頭好,因此他們不會轉戰至中小型市場。

2. 香港最終會變成「倫敦化」,市中心的核心住宅會變為國際資金流入的市場,中半山、西九最終會成為內地及國際級富豪的聚腳地,港人只有逐步遷移至邊陲地段。


用九七來比喻肯定是不當,同一樓盤,樓齡過了十二年,樓價如何與十年前比較? 而一些屢創新高價的新盤,十年前亦不存在,政府如何監察?









至於一些技術修訂也可以減少吹噓弄假,例如在賣地/ 批地條款中,加入要求發展商要公布平均開售價,避免了一些所謂「交叉補貼」的成交個案,令傳媒只追捧一些所謂天價成交、而陷入發展商的吹噓陷阱之中。


Property developers are squeezing every blood out from your body. Worst of all,the Government provides all the equipments and spaces to help them to dry you up. The affordability could be changed easily if the interest rates are going up nor the bench marks with the property prices in 1997 are not realistic too. Mr. Tsang asked the doctors/lawyers to live far off places if they cannot afford apartments in the city. It is not a responsible statement. Does it mean the policy of Government is to cast away the professionals from the City. Does it means the doctors have to travel far to the hospital to tender their patients and the lawyers have to travel a long distance before they can meet their big international clients in Central. How funny to say this??

For the light blubs incident, why not to have the arranagement indirectly going through the two giant Power Companies. Let the Power Companies sending out the exchange coupons of the light bulbs to the users. The coupons should bear clearly the brands of light brands to avoid any allegations of certain brands are chosen. End of the day, the Government will reimburse back the coupons that have been used. Also, in this arrangement, there is an added benefit, discounts can easily been obtained by bulk negotiations with the suppliers. Being they are transparent and easily managed, it can void any allegations of any transfer of interest between the public and the private- not to mention Mr. Tsang 's awkard situation at the moment.
Property developers are squeezing every blood out from your body. Worst of all,the Government provides all the equipments and spaces to help them to dry you up. The affordability could be changed easily if the interest rates are going up nor the bench marks with the property prices in 1997 are not realistic too. Mr. Tsang asked the doctors/lawyers to live far off places if they cannot afford apartments in the city. It is not a responsible statement. Does it mean the policy of Government is to cast away the professionals from the City. Does it means the doctors have to travel far to the hospital to tender their patients and the lawyers have to travel a long distance before they can meet their big international clients in Central. How funny to say this??

For the light blubs incident, why not to have the arranagement indirectly going through the two giant Power Companies. Let the Power Companies sending out the exchange coupons of the light bulbs to the users. The coupons should bear clearly the brands of light brands to avoid any allegations of certain brands are chosen. End of the day, the Government will reimburse back the coupons that have been used. Also, in this arrangement, there is an added benefit, discounts can easily been obtained by bulk negotiations with the suppliers. Being they are transparent and easily managed, it can void any allegations of any transfer of interest between the public and the private- not to mention Mr. Tsang 's awkard situation at the moment. (1+2)


想搵地方住 或 一齊炒樓??

咩... 咩... 咩....



