完魯明話新居要來個大翻新,佢太太更已經決定以"Danish modern"為主題,來個翻天覆地家居裝修。
睇番7月5日張仕佳做嘉賓cafe,0知青好唔憤氣次次錯.於是講到自己如何用波浪理論計算股市.本人有個疑問是否識計數就能預測股市.識計數便可發達.如 1 十 1 = 2 這樣簡單.世界就不會有意想不到事情發生
No host is perfect but the positioning of the role is important.
What do we expect from Miss. Wu?
1. A commentator who gives view on stock price?
2. A host of MOney Cafe to ask the clever questions?
3. A host of Money Cafe to act funs or humours into the programme?
4. A host of Money Cafe to give opinions or to challenge the opinions of the guest?
5. A host of Money Cafe to stop the guest from puffing when they are out of the subject or certain topics are so sensitive that can't be in the air to the audience?
For Miss Wu, she is up to the job for 1 &3 but not for 2, 4 & 5 .
I need to give some credit to Iris who has improves alot since from the beginning.
By the way, where is 堂哥??
If you know about the cash flow, market positions & good consultants who can sell you good ideas where to buy & sell and a team of staff to evaluate & write the reports, you can be Canning too. I do not know why Mr. Li let him there for so long and also why he can hang on this job for that long. Personally, I think there should be a new chapter of Hutchison. A leadership for too long can turn one into tyranny. Since Hutchison is like running mutli-project companies, the bonus is too much for Canning's position (CEO, in fact he is more like a multi-task project manager) with final say goes back to Mr. Li.